- Lower costs. In addition to $0 in travel costs, registration rates are discounted.
- More flexibility. Most sessions are being recorded and will be made available to registrants for a period of months following the convention. That means that you can attend events that are scheduled at competing times, or presentations scheduled for inconvenient times. You can spread out your convention experience in a way that works for you.
- More days of programming. In addition to 2 days of preconvention programming, the regular convention runs all day Thursday Nov. 17 through Sunday Nov. 22 (that’s 4 full days instead of the usual 2.5).
ABCT 2020 – 54th Annual (Virtual) Convention
• Improve your skills• Discover the latest developments in CBT and evidence-based practice• Learn from leaders in the fieldThe Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) is holding its November 17-22 Annual Convention virtually this year. ABCT is the largest provider of information and continuing education related to cognitive and behavioral therapies in North America. If you have never attended an ABCT meeting before, this is a unique opportunity to enjoy the ABCT convention from the comfort of your home or workplace.
The theme of this year’s convention is “Better Access, Better Outcomes: Enhancing the Impact of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.” Offerings include around 1500 posters (plus several hundred posters organized by our special interest groups), almost 200 symposia and panel discussions, and dozens of institutes, workshops, clinical round tables, clinical grand rounds, research talks, and other presentations covering a broad range of topics such as addictions, anxiety, PTSD, depression, eating disorders, equity and inclusion, mindfulness, CBT across the lifespan, DBT, and many more.
New this year: all registrants can earn up to 49 continuing education credits included in the registration fee. That is a $99 savings. Registration rates are discounted across the board. All things being equal, members receive the lowest rates. Not a member? Please join!
President Martin M. Antony, will open the meeting Wednesday, November 18th at 7:15 PM EST followed by his address, CBT in the Era of COVID-19. Click HERE to learn more about invited addresses by Allison Harvey, Luana Marques, Zindel Segal, and Eric Youngstrom. Click HERE to learn more about two special invited panel discussions – one on improving access to evidence-based treatment, and another on personalizing treatment to improve CBT outcomes. Finally, Click HERE to learn about Philip C. Kendall’s Lifetime Achievement Address on Managing Anxiety in Youth. The convention home page can be found HERE.
This year, we introduced a special fee for professionals working in the community. This fee is intended to increase access to our convention for those who might not have been able to access it in the past. It is intended for nonmembers from nondoctoral level professions (e.g., not PhD level psychologists or physicians). Examples might include social workers, nurses, occupational therapists, behavior analysts, marriage and family therapists, addiction counselors, teachers, etc. It’s designed for individuals who have either never attended an ABCT convention or who haven’t attended an ABCT in at least the past 10 years. The Professional Community rate is just $125 and includes continuing education credit.
ABCT is a member of the World Confederation of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. WCCBT members can register at the ABCT member rates! If your membership organization is a member of the World Confederation of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies and you are not an American or Canadian, you are eligible. Umbrella organizations include:
Australian Association for Cognitive and Behavior Therapy (AACBT)Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)Asian Association for Cognitive and Behavior Therapy Association (ACBTA)European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT)International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy (IACP)Latin-American Association of Analysis, Behavioral Modification and Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. (ALAMOC)In order for members of these associations to register at the ABCT member rates, registration must be done manually (vs. online). You may phone the ABCT central office to register (1-212-647-1890) or you may download, complete, and submit the registration form (https://www.abct.org/conv2020/docs/Registration_Form.pdf) to register at the member rate.We are offering pre-convention sessions on November 17 &18. Additionally, there will be ticketed workshops offered on November 20 & 21. You can select “à la carte” from our ticketed sessions and it is not necessary to register for the general convention.
Click HERE for more information and to register for the meeting:
To renew or join ABCT: www.abct.org