Global CBT Ambassador Program


The Global CBT Ambassador program is a WCCBT initiative designed to meet several of the objectives of the WCCBT. These include:

  • To support the development and profile of cognitive and behavioural therapies (CBT) and therapists worldwide
  • To promote and advocate for mental health, CBT, and evidence-based treatments for psychological disorders and to improve wellbeing around the globe
  • To develop and support effective implementation of CBT through training.

The activity of the Global CBT Ambassador program is to identify ambassadors in the field of CBT and to provide a forum in which they can share their knowledge and expertise to the world.

The WCCBT invites each regional member organization to organize and host at least one Global CBT Ambassador event (lecture, panel discussion, clinical round table, workshop, master class, clinical grand rounds etc.) each year.

The WCCBT invites each regional member organization to name a mental health professional(s) each year whose work the organization believes is deserving of global attention and will invite the named professional to conduct a Global CBT Ambassador event. The professional could be someone who has made sustained contributions, is mid-career and has made noteworthy contributions, or who has a particular innovation but is quite early in their career.  Member associations are encouraged to consider the potential characteristics of a ” Global CBT Ambassador” broadly while maintaining diversity among speakers with regard to but not limited to gender, race, country of origin, sexual orientation, and age. The WCCBT is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Global CBT Ambassadors may speak on any topic as approved by them and/or their regional membership organization.

Global CBT Ambassadors may present to students or professionals in any discipline, consumers, organizations, agencies, schools, or any other audience.

The Global CBT Ambassador event may be in person, remote, or hybrid, as determined by the speaker and the membership organization. If live, the presentation may be hosted at a university, conference or any other location. If virtual, the speaker event may live streamed or be recorded and accessed for a modest fee on an ongoing basis.

The Global CBT Ambassador event may be presented in a language chosen by the regional membership organization.

The Global CBT Ambassador event may be organized as part of a local, national or regional conference or other event organized by the regional member organization or its national members.

Global CBT Ambassador events will be paid events and all profits from the event will go to the WCCBT for fulfillment of its objectives. However, the price may be set by the speaker and/or the membership organization sponsoring the event.

Speakers will provide their services to the WCCBT on a pro bono basis and will not receive a speaker fee for any presentation as part of this program.

The member organization will be required to manage the logistics, host the event, and collect and submit fees. Or, as an option, ABCT has also kindly offered to host any virtual events, and has the ability to process access for a modest fee, which would need to be set.

The member organisation will not charge a fee to the WCCBT for organising the event, although they may recover costs associated with the event (eg. venue hire). They may also co-badge, or co-host, the event with the WCCBT.

Global CBT Ambassadors and the membership organization sponsoring the event will be listed on the WCCBT webpage as part of the Global CBT Ambassador program so that the  ambassadors and their work can be recognized, and possibly used as a stimulus for other similar work elsewhere in the world. Once the speaker events are set, the WCCBT will also promote the events and people honored who are named as Global CBT Ambassadors.  Virtual events that are recorded may also be placed on the WCCBT website via its You Tube channel.

The WCCBT looks forward to working with its member organizations to disseminate CBT in order to promote health and wellbeing, and to support the development and profile of cognitive and behavioural therapies (CBT) and therapists worldwide.

We are pleased to have included the following people and activities in the Global Ambassadors programme.


Dr Scott Waltman
Workshop: “How to Think Like Socrates: From Socratic Questioning to Stoicism to Modern CBT”


Prof Kyong-Mee Chung
Workshop: “Developing a CBT-based Health Program: A to Z“
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)


Dr Colleen Carney
Toronto Metropolitan University, Calgary, Canada
15th August 2024
Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies (CACBT)


Dr Oswaldo Rodrigues
Instituto Paulista de Sexualidade
Asociacion Latinoamericana de Analisis, Modificacion del Comportamiento y Terapia Cognitiva Conductua (ALAMOC)


Professor Tracey Wade
Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (AACBT)


Dr Susan Bolgels
European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT)


Prof. Dr. Firdaus Mukhtar
President of the Asian Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy Association
Workshop: The Role of Culture, Religion & Spirituality in CBT Process
Asian Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy Association (ACBTA)


Dr Matt Sanders
Professor of Clinical Psychology and Director of the Parenting and family Support Centre at the University of Queensland, Australia. Founder of the Internationally recognized Tripel P-Positive Parenting program.
Workshop: The Power of Parenting
Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (AACBT)


Prof Paul Gilbert
Centre for Compassion Research and Training, College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby, UK
Workshop: An Introduction to Compassion Focused Therapy
European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies


Dr Robert L. Leahy,
Past-President of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Past-President of the International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Past-President of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, Director of the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy (NYC)
Webinar: Why Regret, Jealousy, Envy and Boredom are Essential
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies


Prof Laura Hernandez Guzmán
Currently tenure a Professor at National University of Mexico (UNAM).
Conference on ALAMOC” s contributions to the global impact of Evidence-Based Therapies.”
Asociacion Latinoamericana de Analisis, Modificacion del Comportamiento y Terapia Cognitiva Conductua


Dr. Mark Dadds
Professor of Psychology, University of Sydney, Principal Research Fellow of the NHMRC, Director of Growing Minds Australia, and Co- Director of the Child Behaviour Research Clinic.
Workshop: Beyond the manual: How behavioural family interventions work in the real world.
Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (AACBT)


Dr. Freedom Leung
Professor and Head, Shaw College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, past president of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, senior consulting clinical psychologist for the Office of Student Affairs and the Human Resources Office of CUHK, Hong Kong.
Workshop: Doing CBTs with the Help of Neuroscience
Asian Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy Association (ACBTA)


Dr. David Barlow
Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry Emeritus, Founder of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University, USA.
Webinar: Neuroticism & Disorders of Emotion: A New Synthesis & Approach to Treatment
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies