Dr. Nimisha Kumar is the President-Elect (2021 – 2024) for the Asian CBT Association. She is a Senior Consultant Psychologist and trained CBT practitioner based in New Delhi, India. She has a PhD in Psychology from University of Delhi and an MSc in CBT from University of Derbyshire, UK (as a recipient of the prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship). Her doctoral work was on a CB framework for Diabetes.
Dr. Kumar is the Founder-President of the Indian Association for CBT (www.iacbt.org) and Founder-Director of Ascend-PsyCare (www.ascendpsycare.in), an MSME based in Delhi. She is currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, SGT University, Gurugram. Dr. Kumar has over 15 years of experience in clinical practice, teaching and research at prestigious institutions in New Delhi. She organized the first ever International Conference on CBT in India in 2015 and pioneered the IACBT in 2016. She organized two subsequent highly successful international conferences on CBT in 2017 and 2018 with outcomes in the form of special edited volumes on CBT related research. She has written papers on cultural adaptation of CBT in Indexed Journals, presented papers at National and International conferences and mentored a number of Masters and Doctoral research dissertations.
Dr. Kumar has her own practice in New Delhi where she uses CBT for a number of mental health concerns and provides training and supervision to students and professionals from diverse backgrounds. She is presently launching India’s first certificate and diploma level programs in CBT.